3 Ways You Can Use Instagram Stories Ads For Your Business
SEPTEMBER 18, 2019
Digital Marketing
In this blog, you will discover three ways to use Instagram Stories ads:
Instagram stories ads are the new blooming platform for digital marketing. You will be surprised to know that there are about 400 million people using Instagram Stories every day. In addition, most viewed stories belong to brands and businesses allowing them to expose to a highly targeted audience.
Given that the popularity and reach of Instagram, it could be the best marketing tool for boosting brand awareness, gaining more followers, and improving your sales.
In this blog, you will discover three ways to use Instagram Stories ads:
1) To Drive Brand & Product Awareness
Instagram stories have the power to boost brand and product awareness and inspire engagement considering its huge reach. You can post an image or a quick video creatively that is related to your brand to capture users’ attention. You can also display your brand’s name prominently enough to pique their interest so they visit your official business profile after viewing the ad.
2) Use User-Generated Content
User-generated content (UGC) is the most influential form of media for digital marketing because here no businesses but users create the content. But you can encourage your audience to get creative. You can call for users to create UGC and put it on Instagram Stories ads. This promotes a faithful relationship with your consumers and a ton of engagement.
3) Announcing Sale & Offers
Everyone loves a sale! Using an Instagram Stories ad to announce a discount or sale is the best way to grab users’ attention quickly. Many eCommerce marketing services providers use this technique to let their users know about their offers as it has more chances to be seen. This initiates actions from the user’s side and they also check your stories for your future sale offers.
Final Thoughts
Instagram Stories ads are a new ad format that most businesses haven’t had utilized yet, which leaves you in a great position to get ahead of the competition.
Hence, if you are thinking about tapping the world if Instagram stories and building them in your digital marketing strategy then as your leading local internet marketing company, Zorbis is happy
to help.
Get in touch at info@zorbis.com.
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