
5 Best Web Design Books To Read In 2019

5 Best Web Design Books To Read In 2019 date WEDNESDAY, MAY 22, 2019 | Graphic Design
You might find tones of information on website but nothing can replace the authenticity of books and same is the case with design books.

You might find tones of information on website but nothing can replace the authenticity of books and same is the case with design books.

Web design books offer a great way of learning on a much lower price than taking. By reading a well-written and informative web design book, you will get to know about the best practices and gain a huge amount of research in a relatively short amount of time.

Whether you want to pick up a new skill to provide best in field Web Design Services or simply browse some hard-copy collection, we have got some great book recommendations for you that will help you excel your skills as a web designer.

Let’s scroll down and explore to learn more:

1)Web Design Playground 

Web Design Playground has everything you need to get rid of boring boilerplate designs and start building your very own personal creative corner of the web in a fun, relaxed way.

The Web Design Playground offers you an easy-to-use tool to play around with HTML tags and CSS properties. The book also offers various code examples and as well as tutorials to help you learn HTML and CSS, “construction kits” that enable you to easily work with complex elements such as CSS gradients, and features that enable you to save your work and download your own files.

2)Learning Web Design: A Beginner's Guide to HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and Web Graphics

This friendly guide is the perfect place to start. This book will help you learn how the web and the web pages work, and then steadily build from there. By the end of the book, you will have the skills to create a simple site with multicolumn pages and an adaptable mobile friendly design. Each chapter provides exercises to help you learn various techniques and short quizzes to make sure you understand key concepts. This thoroughly revised edition is ideal for students and professionals of all backgrounds and skill levels.

3)Django Design Patterns and Best Practices

Building secure and maintainable web applications requires comprehensive knowledge. The second edition of this book not only sheds light on Django, but also encapsulates years of experience in the form of design patterns and best practices. The book provides you higher-level patterns and is not just limited to GoF design patterns. Using the latest version of Django and Python, the book lets you learn about Channels and asyncio while building a solid conceptual background. The book enables you make every day creative decisions faster in a rapidly changing environment.

4)Don't Make Me Think, Revisited

Containing multiple illustrations that make it fun to read, Don't Make Me Think, Revisited takes a common-sense approach so that people of any age or from any background can understand the basics. Clearly written, without jargon, it makes a tricky subject feel simple.

If you have read it before, you will find it more useful and rediscover its importance for Web designers and developers around the world. If you' have never read it, you will realize why so many people have recommended to read it for anyone working on Web sites.

5)Designing with the Mind in Mind

The second edition of Designing with the Mind in Mind by Jeff Johnson, provides an essential source for user interface design rules and how, when, and why to apply them.

The book arms designers with the science behind each design rule, allowing them to make informed decisions in projects, and to explain those decisions to others as well. Completely updated and revised, including additional coverage on human choice and decision making, hand-eye coordination and attention, and new mobile and touch-screen examples throughout

In Conclusion

If you intend is to become a professional web designer, self-study is one of the best options. With a web design book, the reader has the ability to learn at their own pace, and repeat concepts as needed to fully integrate them.

The above mentioned web design books will definitely help you to polish your skills and educate you about the basic concepts and guide you on how to take them into practice the best way.

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Posted By Zorbis

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